An opportunity to repair a century of human-caused damage

About Gold Creek

As the headwaters of the Yakima River, Gold Creek winds out of the Alpine Lakes Wilderness and passes under I-90 as it flows into Keechelus Lake, near Hyak, just east of Snoqualmie Pass. The creek is known for its popular picnic area at a water-filled gravel pit named Gold Creek Pond.

Gold Creek Pond is actually an old gravel pit. Unfortunately, it was never restored to its natural state after the building of I-90.

Keystone species like salmon and steelhead no longer return to the creek, and bull trout are now on the verge of disappearing due to decades of damage to Gold Creek and the surrounding habitat from freeway construction.

With your support, Gold Creek could be restored, reviving bull trout population and returning the area to its natural state.